C# ASP.NET Core Web Api 与 MVC 模式下 body 参数传递,post 参数方式

Visual Studio 2019 + .NET Core 3.1

1WebApiController, 使用 ApiController 标识



public class ValuesController : ControllerBase



    public UserModel GetUser(UserModel userModel)


        return new UserModel


            UserId = userModel.UserId,

            UserName = userModel.UserName,




public class UserModel


    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string UserName { get; set; }


POST 支持 json 参数

POST 不支持 form 表单参数

Post 支持 form 表单参数写法 1

使用 [FromForm] 标识



public class ValuesController : ControllerBase



    public UserModel GetUser([FromForm] UserModel userModel)


        return new UserModel


            UserId = userModel.UserId,

            UserName = userModel.UserName,




public class UserModel


    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string UserName { get; set; }


只能以 form 表单参数提交,不支持 json 参数

Post 支持 form 表单参数写法 2

使用 [FromForm] 标识



public class ValuesController : ControllerBase



    public UserModel GetUser([FromForm] int id, [FromForm] string name)


        return new UserModel


            UserId = id,

            UserName = name,




public class UserModel


    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string UserName { get; set; }


只能以 form 表单参数提交,不支持 json 参数

GET 请求



public class ValuesController : ControllerBase



    public JsonResult GetUser(string user)


        return new JsonResult(new


            User = user




GET 多参数请求



public class ValuesController : ControllerBase



    public JsonResult GetUser(int id, string name)


        return new JsonResult(new


            Id = id,

            Name = name




默认带有 [FromQuery],所以不用额外增加标识



public class ValuesController : ControllerBase



    public JsonResult GetUser([FromQuery] int id, [FromQuery] string name)


        return new JsonResult(new


            Id = id,

            Name = name




2WebApiController, 不使用 ApiController 标识, Route 路由


// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)


    if (env.IsDevelopment())











    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>



            name: "default",

            pattern: "api/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");



修改 Controller,使其不用每个接口不用单独设置路由

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase



    public UserModel GetUser([FromBody] UserModel userModel)


        return new UserModel


            UserId = userModel.UserId,

            UserName = userModel.UserName,




public class UserModel


    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string UserName { get; set; }


POST 支持 json 参数

POST 不支持 form 参数

修改 Controller,去掉 [FormBody]

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase



    public UserModel GetUser(UserModel userModel)


        return new UserModel


            UserId = userModel.UserId,

            UserName = userModel.UserName,




public class UserModel


    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string UserName { get; set; }


POST 支持 form参数

POST 不支持 json 参数

GET 请求

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase



    public JsonResult GetUser(string user)


        return new JsonResult(new


            User = user




GET 多参数请求

public class ValuesController : Controller



    public JsonResult GetUser(int id, string name)


        return new JsonResult(new


            Id = id,

            Name = name




默认带有 [FromQuery],所以不用额外增加标识

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase



    public JsonResult GetUser([FromQuery] int id, [FromQuery] string name)


        return new JsonResult(new


            Id = id,

            Name = name




3WebApiController 使用 FromRoute

可以在指定 url 路径上获取请求参数,在自定义业务里经常使用的方法,代码如下:



public class ValuesController : ControllerBase


    [HttpPost, Route("{user}/products")]

    public JsonResult GetProducts([FromRoute] string user, [FromBody] QueryModel query)


        return new JsonResult(new


            User = user,

            Category = query.Category,

            Data = new List<string>()








public class QueryModel


    public string Category { get; set; }



public class ValuesController : Controller



    public UserModel GetUser(UserModel userModel)


        return new UserModel


            UserId = userModel.UserId,

            UserName = userModel.UserName,




public class UserModel


    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string UserName { get; set; }


POST 支持 form 表单参数

MVC Controller 自动接收 form 表单参数,不使用 [FromForm] 参数也能够接收到前台传递参数

POST 不支持 json 参数

POST 支持 form 表单参数另一种写法

public class ValuesController : Controller



    public UserModel GetUser(int id, string name)


        return new UserModel


            UserId = id,

            UserName = name,




public class UserModel


    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string UserName { get; set; }


POST 支持 json 参数

如果 Mvc Controller 增加 [FromBody] 限定,则不支持表单参数传递,只能传递 json

public class ValuesController : Controller



    public UserModel GetUser([FromBody] UserModel userModel)


        return new UserModel


            UserId = userModel.UserId,

            UserName = userModel.UserName,




public class UserModel


    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string UserName { get; set; }


POST 支持 body 参数

使用 [FormBody] 获取请求参数,不推荐这种方式应用到业务中

public class ValuesController : Controller


    public string GetContent([FromBody] string content)


        return content;



GET 请求

public class ValuesController : Controller



    public JsonResult GetUser(string user)


        return new JsonResult(new


            User = user




GET 多参数请求

public class ValuesController : Controller



    public JsonResult GetUser([FromQuery] int id, [FromQuery] string name)


        return new JsonResult(new


            Id = id,

            Name = name




默认带有 [FromQuery],所以不用额外增加标识

public class ValuesController : Controller



    public JsonResult GetUser([FromQuery] int id, [FromQuery] string name)


        return new JsonResult(new


            Id = id,

            Name = name




5MvcController 使用 FromRoute


public class ValuesController : Controller


    [HttpPost, Route("{user}/products")]

    public JsonResult GetProducts([FromRoute] string user, [FromBody] QueryModel query)


        return new JsonResult(new


            User = user,

            Category = query.Category,

            Data = new List<string>()








public class QueryModel


    public string Category { get; set; }



public class ValuesController : Controller


    [HttpPost, Route("api/values/{user}/products")]

    public JsonResult GetProducts([FromRoute] string user, [FromBody] QueryModel query)


        return new JsonResult(new


            User = user,

            Category = query.Category,

            Data = new List<string>()








public class QueryModel


    public string Category { get; set; }


注意路由写法,不能使用默认的 {controller}/{action}


1、如果没有使用 UseEndpoints 配的路由则需要使用路指向完整路径




[HttpPost, Route("api/values/{user}/products")]

2、作为Api Service,应该选用Web Apijson)模式

3MvcController不建议作为 Api Service 使用

4ASP.NET Core Web Api 不能同时兼容 form 参数与 json 参数,这点与 ASP.NET Framework Web Api 模式不同

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